William Alfred WHEATLEY (1825 - )
Children Self + Spouses Parents Grandparents Greatgrandparents
William Alfred WHEATLEY (1825 - ) John WHEATLEY (1793 - 1872) John WHEATLEY


Philadelphia ASHBEY (1794 - 1838) Thomas ASHBEY


b. 1825 at Sussex, England
John WHEATLEY (1793 - 1872)
Philadelphia ASHBEY (1794 - 1838)
Siblings (4):
George Spencer WHEATLEY (1828 - )
Henry Charles WHEATLEY (1830 - 1902)
Josiah Thomas WHEATLEY (1833 - )
Loanna WHEATLEY (1836 - 1919)
Events in William Alfred WHEATLEY (1825 - )'s life
Date Age Event Place Notes Src
1825 William Alfred WHEATLEY was born Sussex, England
1838 13 Death of mother Philadelphia ASHBEY (aged 44) Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia V1838857 22/1838
12 Dec 1872 47 Death of father John WHEATLEY (aged 79) Gunning, New South Wales, Australia

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