Clarence Frederick SINCLAIR (1887 - )
Children Self + Spouses Parents Grandparents Greatgrandparents
Clarence Frederick SINCLAIR (1887 - ) William James A SINCLAIR (1844 - 1930)

Esther EDWARDS (1848 - 1889) Edward S EDWARDS


b. 1887 at Grafton, New South Wales, Australia
William James A SINCLAIR (1844 - 1930)
Esther EDWARDS (1848 - 1889)
Siblings (9):
Arthur John SINCLAIR (1868 - 1943)
William James SINCLAIR (1872 - )
Sarah Anne Elizabeth SINCLAIR (1874 - 1951)
George SINCLAIR (1876 - 1876)
Edwin Ward SINCLAIR (1877 - 1946)
Ernest Crisp SINCLAIR (1879 - )
Edward G SINCLAIR (1881 - )
Francis Gerald SINCLAIR (1883 - 1968)
Sydney Gordon SINCLAIR (1885 - 1945)
Events in Clarence Frederick SINCLAIR (1887 - )'s life
Date Age Event Place Notes Src
1887 Clarence Frederick SINCLAIR was born Grafton, New South Wales, Australia 21973/1887
10 Jun 1889 2 Death of mother Esther EDWARDS (aged 41) Grafton, New South Wales, Australia 9734/1889
22 May 1930 43 Death of father William James A SINCLAIR (aged 85) Grafton, New South Wales, Australia 9129/1930

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